We have been allocated a highways collection on a raceday, to take place on Wednesday 21st August, which is the first day of the Ebor Festival. YCBC will be the only authorised collection on that date, making this a great opportunity to raise a significant amount of funds for YCBC.
To help with these collections we would like to ask for the help and support of parents and swimmers from across all sections of the Club so that we can make the most of this opportunity to raise funds that can be used to pay for equipment and teacher/coach/lifeguard training, and so that our increasing annual costs such as pool hire etc can be managed without significant increases to swim fees.
This has arisen because a former YCBC swim parent (Jez Russell) submitted a request to collect at the Racecourse way back in February 2010, and so this sort of opportunity does not come round very often!
Initially, we need a group of volunteers who are willing to get together and sort out the logistics involved in making this opportunity a success – please get in touch if you can help with the organisation of this collection.
Thanks in advance for your support,